Jamie Oliver is the British chef who has come to America to tackle obesity and related diseases. On his new show called "Jamie's Food Revolution", which premieres March 26th on ABC he visits "America's Unhealthiest city" Huntington West Virgina in order to teach the community about food and to try to get them to change that way they.
On February 10th he won the this years TED prize (Technology, Entertainment, Design). The prize comes with $100,000 and "a wish to change the world". Which according to the TED website is supposed to mobilize the community to effect change. Jamie's wish was
"for your help to create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity."
Hopefully this prize and the upcoming television show will indeed help make an impact in the improving the way people eat and fighting obesity. To watch Jamie's TED speech, see below.