Dante and Milk Thistle Farm have been in the news as of late, because Dante is trying to expand his business. His profit margins aren't large enough for him to re-invest them in the business and support his family at the same time. He went looking for a loan so that he could build a processing facility on his land and increase his herd. Unable to get a loan from the bank, Dante is now turning to his customers to make an investment in him. After speaking to Dante, is sounds like he has good a lot of interest from customers. Investing in local food was written about recently in the book Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money: Investing as if Food, Farms, and Fertility Mattered and now its author Woody Tasch is trying to help Dante out.
Listen to the NPR Story and watch the Reuters video.
If you missed episode II of The Dairy Show featuring Milk Thistle Farm watch it below
The Dairy Show Episode II from TheDairyShow.Com on Vimeo.